Graphis New Talent Annual 2023 Silver Award Winner - Design Branding
2023 CommArts Finalist
2023 CommArts Finalist
New Shapes is a brand that aims to provide an introduction to crystals for beginners, with a focus on wellness, while engaging with queer individuals within the crystal community. New Shapes offers curated crystal packs that include a set of crystals hand picked by guest collaborators that are a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Each set also comes with crystal identification cards, a wellness journal, and beginner’s guide.

I chose to utilize a custom type treatment as a nod to crystal formations with a hidden crystal in the main logo. I also wanted very bright and bold colors that strayed away from the soft pastel, more feminine leaning branding that is usually associated with crystals. I then transformed my colors into their crystal character counterparts to act as mascots for the brand.

For this project I knew I really wanted to engage with the LGBTQ+ community. So I went on a search via Tik Tok and Instgram to find queer content creators within the crystal community. I let them curate roughly three to six crystals that fit within a theme/idea of their choosing. I used these curations to create matching crystal characters and to build out the packaging.

For the packaging a wanted a box that was a fun shape that you would immediately want to pickup. I settled on a double terminated crystal inspired shape that is also represented in the logo. I achieved this design by using a rectangular prism as the base and adding a pyramids to each end. You can pull out the right pyramid on the end to release your crystal goodies inside. Each package comes with its matching crystals and crystal identification cards that highlight the properties of each crystal.

Something that was important to me was using crystals as a way to foster conversations around personal wellness and mental health. Whether you believe in the power crytsals hold or not I think they can help us reflect on the intentions we want to set, what we want from life, or help us identify things that might be missing from our lives. So every crystal package comes with a wellness journal where people can reflect on their day and how they are feeling through daily prompts and questions as well as free write sections.


Each purchase would also include a beginner’s guide that provides a quick introduction to crystals and encourges others to learn more and do further research. It includes a guide to what each color grouping of crytsals mean, what each shape means, and a brief overview on how to cleanse and charge your crytsals.